AhrefsBot is a web crawler operated by Ahrefs, one of the industry-leading SEO software suites. This bot crawls the web 24/7 to fill and update the database of backlinks so that Ahrefs can provide the most comprehensive and up-to-the-minute data to its users.
AhrefsBot is one of the most active crawlers on the internet. Every minute, AhrefsBot crawls 5 million pages. According to 3rd party studies, it outperforms Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex crawlers and is clearly the most active crawler among other SEO tool providers.
The backlink data collected by AhrefsBot helps marketing professionals to better understand the fundamental algorithms of the world’s largest search engines so that they could optimize websites accordingly.
Besides, AhrefsBot collects data for Yep.com: an upcoming search engine by Ahrefs.
As a good bot, AhrefsBot strictly follows the rules in the robots.txt files, does not trigger ads on websites, and does not add numbers to Google Analytics traffic.
User-Agent String:
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +http://ahrefs.com/robot/)