AI Content Helper

Create helpful content people and robots love

Match search intent, fill in content gaps, and improve your writing—no writing expertise needed.

Create helpful content people and robots love
Falling behind on AI puts your content strategy at risk. AI Content Helper focuses on comprehensive topical coverage, giving writers loads of competitor insights – all while keeping your creativity front and center.

The content optimization tool for 2025

  • Auto-detect the angles searchers prefer
    Align content with multiple search intents or optimize against chosen competitors.

  • Achieve comprehensive topical coverage
    Have state-of-the art AI as your tireless topic research assistant.

  • 174+ languages available
    Write and optimize in any language.

  • No SEO experience required
    Focus on creating content your audience loves.

Match search intents with confidence

Our AI auto-detects multiple search intents for your target keyword, so you can align your content with top-ranking articles and give your audience exactly what they need.


Achieve comprehensive topical coverage

Forget about keyword stuffing. AI Content Helper grades your content against the main topics covered by the top-ranking articles, making it easy to spot and fill in the content gaps.


Outrank competitors with actionable insights

Take content optimization a step further. Spot poorly-covered topics and get word-for-word tips on how to boost your content’s depth and authority in the eyes of Google.


Enjoy your very own AI writing assistant

Get help with the details while staying in the driving seat of your content. Use the “Ask AI” feature to rephrase, summarize, or expand on the selected text and keep your creativity flowing.


Chat with AI

Ever wanted a peer reviewer to help with more than just proofreading? Chat with our AI to ask for feedback, brainstorm ideas, and pick holes in your content.


Brainstorm meta titles and descriptions

Craft click-worthy meta titles and descriptions in seconds. Make your content irresistible to searchers, so you don’t end up creating zero-click content.


Organize your articles like top performers do

Topical research that once took hours now takes minutes! Discover how top-ranking articles structure their headings and use them as your blueprint for success.


Content Kit Add-on

Enhance your AI content optimization process with our paid add-ons, available on all new Ahrefs paid plans.

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Ready to create high-quality content that stands out?