Ahrefs is seeking a strong Product Designer to join our Product team. This is a senior role that goes beyond traditional design responsibilities. In our company, we don't have a conventional product manager role, so our product designers take full ownership of their products, combining design, product management, and leadership skills. You'll work closely with engineers and data scientists, leading projects from initial ideas through release, managing ongoing improvements and support.

What you’ll be doing

  • Contribute to shaping the roadmap for your product, working closely with leadership, Marketing (heavy users of our product), and Sales teams.
  • Conduct research to understand user and business needs. Dive into technical details to identify possibilities and limitations.
  • Sketch and prototype ideas to quickly validate their viability. Design elegant and intuitive interfaces, and drive them all the way to the final product.
  • Lead projects, working with engineers and data scientists as you build, iterate on, and ship your products.
  • Align and collaborate with other product designers to ensure a holistic user experience across the entire platform.


  • Experience designing interfaces and workflows for complex software products.
  • Ability to manage projects from idea to launch.
  • Strong visual taste and design skills.
  • Ability to create high-fidelity mockups with great attention to detail.
  • Ability to create prototypes to validate product ideas.
  • Ability to collect and analyze data from a wide variety of sources.
  • Understanding of software architecture and development processes, with the ability to collaborate effectively with engineering teams.
  • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to present and articulate product and design decisions effectively.

Ahrefs does not engage with agencies or third party recruitment solutions for the roles we hire for. If at any point we need help, we'll let you know! 

Kim jesteśmy

Ahrefs korzysta z bota internetowego, który przeszukuje całą sieć 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu, przechowując ogromne ilości informacji do szybkiego zindeksowania i uporządkowania. Nasz system zaplecza jest obsługiwany przez niestandardową, rozproszoną pamięć masową typu klucz-wartość o pojemności wielu petabajtów, co pozwala pomieścić wszystkie dane napływające z dużą szybkością. Dzięki tym danym Ahrefs opracowuje usługi analityczne dla użytkowników końcowych w zakresie optymalizacji dla wyszukiwarek internetowych (SEO) oraz platformę wyszukiwania w całym Internecie. Jesteśmy niewielkim i solidnym zespołem, który głęboko wierzy, że lepsza technologia prowadzi do lepszych rozwiązań rzeczywistych problemów.

Nasze motto to najpierw zrób to, potem zrób to dobrze, a następnie zrób to lepiej

Greg pracuje na laptopie.

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Product Designer

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